use policy

The Use Policy outlines the rules and guidelines for utilizing Undressly AI’s services, products, and technologies as agreed upon in any active agreement. Its core purpose is to protect our platform, customers, and the broader internet community from unethical, irresponsible, and illegal activities.

Customers found engaging in activities that violate this policy may face service suspension or account termination. In extreme cases, we may have a legal duty to report such actions to the relevant authorities.

We expect that our services will be used within the allocated limits. Overuse may result in additional fees or restrictions on your account.

We strictly oppose any form of abuse, discrimination, rights violations, or actions that harm individuals, groups, or resources. We expect responsible usage from our customers and their end-users.

Prohibited Activities

Illegal Activity

The use of our products must not involve the transmission, distribution, or storage of content that violates any applicable laws. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Material protected by intellectual property rights without appropriate permission.

- Content that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or breaches export control laws.

Customers are fully responsible for all content they share or distribute using our platform, including ensuring legal permissions for any copyrighted works.


Customers are responsible for their actions and the actions of any individual using our services under their authorization. This includes any unauthorized access resulting from insufficient security measures.

By using our products, customers agree to ensure compliance with this policy by anyone using the products on their behalf. Any complaints about customer or end-user behavior will be directed to the account holder.

Violations of this policy may result in termination of services, account suspension, or other appropriate actions without prior notice. Service disruptions caused by policy violations will not be eligible for credits, as allowed by law.

Unethical Activity

Our services may not be used for advertising, distributing, or making available any software, program, product, or service that violates this policy or the policies of other service providers. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

- Network sniffing, pinging, packet spoofing, flooding, or mail-bombing.

- Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

- Unauthorized access to accounts or electronic resources.

- The introduction of viruses or malicious code.

- Harassment or other disruptive behavior.

Other unethical, exploitative, or harmful activities include:

- Attempting to obtain services from us or another provider without intending to pay.

- Unauthorized access, modification, or destruction of information related to our customers or end-users.

- Interfering with others' use of our facilities or network.

- Publishing or sharing content or links that incite violence, depict child exploitation, or endanger health and safety.

- Breaching consumer protection laws or regulations.

- Violating an individual’s privacy.

Our services may not be used by any entity involved in, or suspected of being involved in, illegal activities such as illegal gambling, terrorism, narcotics trafficking, or arms proliferation.


The use of our products for sending unsolicited bulk or commercial messages (spam) is strictly prohibited. This includes:

- Sending spam in violation of relevant laws and regulations.

- Soliciting customers using spam from other providers.

- Collecting responses from spam sent by other providers.

Violation of this policy will result in appropriate actions, including service suspension or account termination.